Last updated on November 23rd, 2022 at 07:54 am

Here is a simple code that explains how a cookie is set and retrieved using php.

A cookie is set with the following code: setcookie(name, value, expiration)

$Month = 2592000 + time();
//this adds 30 days to the current time
setcookie(MyVisit, date("F jS - g:i a"), $Month);

The above code sets a cookie named “MyVisit” in the visitors browser. The cookie sets the value to the current date, and set’s the expiration to be be in 30 days (2592000 = 60 seconds * 60 mins * 24 hours * 30 days.)

Now as the cookie is set, we have to retrieve this cookie in another page so for that copy this code

Now let’s retrieve the cookie.

$last = $_COOKIE['MyVisit']; 
echo "Welcome back! <br> You last visited on ". $last; 
echo "Welcome to our site!"; 

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