Last updated on May 5th, 2016 at 01:07 am

Parse XML using PHP, Here we have 2 files one is the XML and other is the PHP. Very easy script to parse an xml file. Here i am using a big xml file and extracting data from that using php.

The first file is the XML file, name the file as parse.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss version="2.0">
<title>Tutorialz Images</title>




<title> </title>

<title>rahul and gokul




<title>The mission begins






<title>comfort inn attham</title>


<title>dial 100 if you see any of these person</title>

















The next file to be created is the PHP file to parse the above xml data.

class RSSParser{
var $url;

# (string) URL of feed

var $page;

# (string)  Raw file contents of RSS Feed

var $xml;

# (object)  Object data of RSS Feed

var $channel;

# (object)  Channel Object containing feed information and images

var $images;

# (array)  RSS images

var $feed;

# (array) Feed Information ( title, desc, publish date )


Class Constrictor


url: Feed URL, can be a local file, or online ( http:// )

- url is required in order to execute the constrictor


function __construct ( $url )



Do we have PHP5 Installed?

If we do not have it installed,

Kill the script immediately.


if ( intval( phpversion() ) < 5 )


die ( 'PHP5 is required to execute this class.' );



Does the extention class exist?

Since it is an internal class

Compiled into PHP5, we can check

Whether it is installed or not.


else if ( !class_exists ( 'SimpleXMLElement' ) )


die ( 'Please re-compile PHP5 with the simpleXmlElement extention.' );


// Set the URL of the feed internally.

$this->setRSS ( $url );

// Get the page contents of that feed.

$this->getRSS ();

// Parse RSS information

$this->parseRSS ();



Function: setRSS


url RSS Feed url which is set interally

- url is required to run this function


function setRSS ( $url )


$this->url = $url;



Function getRSS

- Get the feed source of the rss feed


function getRSS ()


$this->feed = file_get_contents ( $this->url )

or die ( 'RSS feed was not found' );



Function: parseRSS

- Parses the rss source

- Places feed images in array: $this->images

- Places feed details in array: $this->feed


function parseRSS ()


// Since the extention is loaded, lets create a new

// instance of this class.

$this->xml = new SimpleXMLElement ( $this->feed );

// The XML Object has another child called channel.

// It holds the RSS details as well as images

$this->channel = $this->xml->channel;

// Lets set the feed details

//  Information about the RSS Feed

$this->feed = array


'title' => $this->clean ( $this->channel->title ),

'description' => $this->clean ( $this->channel->description ),

'link' => $this->clean ( $this->channel->link ),

'date' => $this->clean ( $this->channel->pubDate ),

'image' => ( $this->channel->image->url ) ? $this->clean ( $this->channel->image->url ) : false,


// Checks if we have any images present.

// Yes, it is possible that a feed is empty =/

if ( is_object ( $this->channel->image ) && count( $this->channel->image ) )


// Lets loop through all the <image> objects

foreach ( $this->channel->image as $image )


// Add an image to the array

$this->images[] = array


'title' => $this->clean ( $image->title ),

'link' => $this->clean ( $image->link ),

'description' => $this->clean ( $image->description ),

'category' => $this->clean ( $image->category ),

'url' => $this->clean ( $image->url),






Function clean

Argueuemts: string in which to clean.

Cleans off the object tag from an object variable.


function clean ( $i )


return (string) htmlspecialchars ( html_entity_decode ( $i ) );



$RSSParser = new RSSParser ( 'parse.xml' );

echo 'Thank You,You are successful in parsing XML.<br><b>The parsed XML is:-</b> <pre>';

print_r( $RSSParser->feed );

print_r( $RSSParser->images );


If u are experienced OOP programmer you can easily customize the script.Thanks

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