Last updated on March 10th, 2022 at 09:49 am

The best way to say Happy Christmas & A Happy Newyear. Here is the snow falling script created using javascript. This is a very effective way to greet your website visitors this christmas/Newyear season.

The snow effect javascript looks like this

if  ((document.getElementById) && 
window.addEventListener || window.attachEvent){


//Configure here.

var num = 70;   //Number of flakes
var timer = 30; //setTimeout speed. Varies on different comps
var enableinNS6 = 1 //Enable script in NS6/Mozilla? Snow animation could be slow in those browsers. (1=yes, 0=no).


var y = [];
var x = [];
var fall = [];
var theFlakes = [];
var sfs = [];
var step = [];
var currStep = [];
var h,w,r;
var d = document;
var pix = "px";
var domWw = (typeof window.innerWidth == "number");
var domSy = (typeof window.pageYOffset == "number");
var idx = d.getElementsByTagName('div').length;

if ( && 
typeof == "string")
num = 12;

for (i = 0; i < num; i++){
sfs[i] = Math.round(3 + Math.random() * 1);

document.write('<div id="flake'+(idx+i)+'" style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;width:'

currStep[i] = 0;
fall[i] = (sfs[i] == 1)?
Math.round(2 + Math.random() * 2): Math.round(3 + Math.random() * 2);
step[i] = (sfs[i] == 1)?
0.05 + Math.random() * 0.1 : 0.05 + Math.random() * 0.05 ;

if (domWw) r = window;
  if (d.documentElement && 
  typeof d.documentElement.clientWidth == "number" && 
  d.documentElement.clientWidth != 0)
  r = d.documentElement;
  if (d.body && 
  typeof d.body.clientWidth == "number")
  r = d.body;

function winsize(){
var oh,sy,ow,sx,rh,rw;
if (domWw){
  if (d.documentElement && d.defaultView && 
  typeof d.defaultView.scrollMaxY == "number"){
  oh = d.documentElement.offsetHeight;
  sy = d.defaultView.scrollMaxY;
  ow = d.documentElement.offsetWidth;
  sx = d.defaultView.scrollMaxX;
  rh = oh-sy;
  rw = ow-sx;
  rh = r.innerHeight;
  rw = r.innerWidth;
h = rh - 2;  
w = rw - 2; 
h = r.clientHeight - 2; 
w = r.clientWidth - 2; 

function scrl(yx){
var y,x;
if (domSy){
 y = r.pageYOffset;
 x = r.pageXOffset;
 y = r.scrollTop;
 x = r.scrollLeft;
return (yx == 0)?y:x;

function snow(){
var dy,dx;

for (i = 0; i < num; i++){
 dy = fall[i];
 dx = fall[i] * Math.cos(currStep[i]);


 if (x[i] >= w || y[i] >= h){
  y[i] = -10;
  x[i] = Math.round(Math.random() * w);
  fall[i] = (sfs[i] == 1)?
  Math.round(2 + Math.random() * 2): Math.round(3 + Math.random() * 2);
  step[i] = (sfs[i] == 1)?
  0.05 + Math.random() * 0.1 : 0.05 + Math.random() * 0.05 ;
 theFlakes[i].top = y[i] + scrl(0) + pix;
 theFlakes[i].left = x[i] + scrl(1) + pix;


function init(){
for (i = 0; i < num; i++){
 theFlakes[i] = document.getElementById("flake"+(idx+i)).style;
 y[i] = Math.round(Math.random()*h);
 x[i] = Math.round(Math.random()*w);

if (window.addEventListener){
else if (window.attachEvent){


View Demo Just click on the above demo and take a look at the source code to understand more on the settings.

Feel free to modify these settings in the code according to your use case.

var num = 70; //Number of flakes 
var timer = 30; //setTimeout speed. Varies on different comps 
var enableinNS6 = 1 //Enable script in NS6/Mozilla? Snow animation could be slow in those browsers. (1=yes, 0=no).

One thought on “How to create snow effect using Javascript”
  1. JavaScript provides eight mathematical constants that can be accessed from the Math object. These are: E, PI, square root of 2, square root of 1/2, natural log of 2, natural log of 10, base-2 log of E, and base-10 log of E.

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